ADL Blog

ADL’s Andrew Srulevitch Educates Coloradans About Anti-Semitism Abroad

In October 2014, the Mountain States Region was privileged to host Andrew Srulevitch, the Anti-Defamation League’s Assistant Director of International Affairs and Director of European Affairs. Andrew spoke to and met with several groups, all of whom expressed gratitude for Andrew’s impressive and impactful work. Andrew came to Colorado to speak to the region’s major donors and friends at a

Mountain States Spotlight with Gay Curtiss-Lusher

ADL champion and long-time board member Gay Curtiss-Lusher shares the passion she and her husband, National Chair Barry Curtiss-Lusher, have for travel and adventure, volunteering, the University of Michigan and of course, the Anti-Defamation League.   How are you involved with ADL?               I have been serving on the Board of the Mountain States Region of the ADL for over

Mountain States ADL Expresses Gratitude to Summer Intern

    The Anti-Defamation League’s Mountain States Region would like to acknowledge and thank its summer intern, who has dedicated her time, energy and creativity this summer to assisting with ADL activities and projects. Giovanna Henery, a graduate student pursuing a Master’s Degree in social change at Iliff School of Theology, has devoted about 20 hours per week to assist