ADL Blog

ADL Provides Workshops for 700 Incoming Colorado College Students

ADL is partnering with Colorado College in Colorado Springs on a campus-wide effort to address diversity with anti-bias education. In August, ADL conducted workshops for 700 students during New Student Orientation, which included the entire freshman class, transfer students and international students. This new effort expands an existing partnership with Colorado College’s School of Education as well as Residence Life.

ADL Opposes Colorado Amendments 46 and 48

ADL urges Colorado voters to vote NO on Amendment 46 and 48, two proposed Constitutional Amendments that are scheduled to be on the ballot in November. Amendment 46 (pdf), misleadingly entitled the “Colorado Civil Rights Initiative,” is an effort by a group of out-of-state activists led by Ward Connerly to amend Colorado’s Constitution to ban any form of affirmative action