ADL Blog

ADL’s 2021 Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Program Launched in January

Twenty-six professionals were accepted into the ADL Mountain States Region’s 2021 Robert B. Sturm Leadership Fellows Program, part of ADL’s national Glass Leadership Institute (GLI). The program began in January and will last through September. We are grateful to this year’s program chairs, Tamara Berkman and Laura Knaster, who are both Sturm Fellows alumnae and members of the ADL Mountain


Announcing the 2020 ADL Summer Associate Research Program Memo Competition Winners!

  The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Mountain States Region is pleased to announce the winners of its 2020 Summer Associate Research Program Memo Competition: Molly E. Clarke and Laura J. Salter. Both Ms. Clarke and Ms. Salter were summer associates at Otten Johnson Robinson Neff + Ragonetti. Both of the winning memos address current legal issues around COVID-19 response. Molly Clarke

Words to Action Longitudinal Study Shows Program Empowers Students to Stand Up to Antisemitism

With antisemitism and anti-Israel bias at their highest levels in recent memory, ADL is responding by equipping students with constructive and effective tools to stand up to these challenges in high schools, on college campuses, at summer camps and more with its signature Words to Action program. Thanks to a generous grant from Rose Community Foundation and others, ADL reached

ADL Mountain States and New Mexico Holocaust Museum Announce New Partnership

  Current research shows that understanding and knowledge about the Holocaust continues to fall while antisemitic and hate incidents continue to rise. In response, the ADL Mountain States Region and the New Mexico Holocaust Museum are excited to announce a new partnership intended to broaden the educational reach of both institutions to students and families in New Mexico. The New

Leave a lasting legacy and impact future generations

ADL is excited to continue its partnership with Rose Community Foundation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to participate in the Life & Legacy: Insuring Jewish Futures program. We are gratified that our list of legacy donors grows longer each month, as more and more ADL campaign donors and supporters see fit to ensuring a strong ADL for the generations to