ADL Blog

Meet the Interns!

ADL’s Mountain States Region would like to acknowledge and thank our summer interns who are dedicating their time, energy and creativity to assisting with ADL activities and projects. Shay M. Goldberg is very excited to be an intern for ADL this summer. Originally from Connecticut, Shay is now a rising senior at Colorado College where she majors in Psychoanalysis in

38th Annual ADL Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program Featured Holocaust Survivor Gene Klein and his daughter Dr. Jill Klein

  On May 2, nearly 1,600 guests joined ADL for its 38th Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program, one of the largest such events in the United States. This year’s program, at Temple Emanuel in Denver, featured a conversation between Holocaust Survivor Gene Klein and his daughter, Dr. Jill Klein, a professor specializing in resiliency. In the spring of 1944, when

ADL Mountain States Spotlight with Board Member Shelley Krovitz

ADL Regional Board Member Shelley Krovitz is a retired attorney who is passionate about advocating for women and embodies the values of ADL. How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now? Over the years I have volunteered for and led many organizations in the community.  ADL has always been there working hard on its mission.

Elisa Moran Named Chair Elect of ADL’s Mountain States Regional Board; Twelve New Board Members Installed at Annual Meeting on May 15

  Denver, CO, May 20, 2019 … ADL’s Mountain States Region has announced that Elisa Moran was named Regional Board Chair Elect at ADL’s annual meeting on May 15.  She will succeed Melinda Quiat following the completion of Quiat’s two-year term in 2020. Elisa has been a valued member of ADL’s Regional Board with a deep commitment to ADL for

Learning from the Past to Shape the Future – ADL’s 2019 Student Essay Winners Make the Connection

Seven skilled student writers rose to the top of 275 essays submitted from Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming to ADL’s 2019 student Essay Contest A Tribute to Moral Courage: Standing Up Against Injustice. Twenty-four judges were challenged to choose six winning essays and for the first time, they had a tie in one of the winning positions, because there were