ADL Blog

Sturm Fellows Make an Impact at ADL National Leadership Summit

  More than 500 ADL leaders and Jewish activists from across the country gathered for ADL’s annual Shana Amy Glass National Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C. from May 7-9. A delegation of 20 leaders represented the Mountain States Region, including 12 members of this year’s Robert B. Sturm Leadership Fellows Program. Government officials, policy experts, journalists, opinion makers and other

ADL Responds to Hate: Read the Spring Dateline Newsletter now!

Check out the Spring 2017 issue of Dateline, the Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region’s newsletter. The edition focuses on what ADL is doing to respond to hate and bias in the legislature, in schools and across the community. The issue also recognizes our many generous donors, and includes information about upcoming events such as ADL’s Annual Meeting on June 15 with featured

Video: 36th Annual ADL Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program Features “Born Survivor” Dr. Hana Berger Moran

  Nearly 1700 guests joined ADL for its 36th annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program, one of the largest such events in the United States, on April 25 at Temple Emanuel in Denver. This year’s program featured keynote speaker Dr. Hana Berger Moran, an infant survivor of the Holocaust. Born in a slave labor camp weighing less than three pounds to

Colorado Legislature Strengthens Hate Crime Laws

  As the 2017 Colorado legislative session wraps up on Wednesday, the Anti-Defamation League is celebrating a few key victories. In particular, two bills that strengthen Colorado’s hate crimes protections gained bi-partisan support and have already been signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper. ADL supported and testified in favor of House Bill 1138. The legislation requires the Colorado Department