ADL Blog

JOIN US and make your school No Place for Hate®!

  Are you ready for school? ADL’s No Place for Hate® Initiative had a stellar 2014-2015 school year and we are prepared for more success with our partner schools in 2015-2016. Students and staff from Durango to Fort Collins worked diligently in their year-long No Place for Hate® Campaigns creating school climates of respect and inclusion for over 50,000 students

Mountain States Spotlight with Jim Kurtz-Phelan

Mountain States ADL Board Chair-Elect Jim Kurtz-Phelan shares his passion for Israel, the law, and working to ensure fair treatment for all.   How did you first become involved in ADL?  I participated in an ADL Speakers Bureau beginning in 1982 after the Lebanon War that year led to a lot of political attacks on Israel.  I was invited to