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Jewish Communal Organizations’ Statement on Anti-Israel Protests and Encampments

In light of increased protests and encampments at a number of Colorado colleges and universities including the Auraria Campus of Community College of Denver, CU Denver and Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado College, Colorado Mesa University, CSU-Fort Collins, CSU-Pueblo, CU Boulder, and the University of Denver, we the undersigned representatives of Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region, JEWISHcolorado, Jewish Community

ADL responds to cancellation of Matisyahu in Santa Fe

  ADL was deeply concerned about the abrupt cancellation of a sold-out concert with Jewish American singer Matisyahu on Feb. 14 at Meow Wolf in Santa Fe. ADL’s CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL National, and the ADL Mountain States Region all issued statements.   “The cancellation of Matisyahu’s Santa Fe show is deeply troubling. Attempts to silence Jewish voices and Jewish

ADL confronts antisemitism on college campuses

  Since October 7th, ADL has tracked a surge in antisemitic incidents on college and university campuses. In addition, 73% of Jewish college students surveyed have experienced or witnessed some form of antisemitism since the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year alone. A plurality of Jewish college students reported that they do not feel physically safe on campus after October 7th,