Blog Archives

Congratulations to ADL Mountain States Regional Board Member Lloyd Lewis, recipient of the World Citizenship Award by Civitan International

The ADL Mountain States Region offers its sincere congratulations to board member Lloyd Lewis, president and CEO of the Arc Thrift Stores of Colorado, on being awarded with the World Citizenship Award by Civitan International at its 102nd Civitan International Convention on July 4th in San Antonio, TX. The award puts Lloyd in a distinguished group of recipients that include President

Culture of Philanthropy

What is a culture of philanthropy? Philanthropy, derived from the Greek philanthropos, literally means “the love of mankind” and is an abiding part of modern social responsibility. Defined as a charitable act carried out for the good of society, philanthropy’s defining characteristic is its voluntary nature. Philanthropy embodies generosity in all its forms and is often described as giving gifts

Welcome to ADL Mountain States Regional Coordinator, Beth Danilson!

    The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region (ADL) is thrilled to welcome Beth Danilson as its full-time regional coordinator. We recently sat down with Beth to learn more about her background, and why she chose to join the team at ADL.   ADL: You’ve worked as a Jewish communal professional for many years. What made you decide to join

ADL Launches New Program to Provide Synagogues with Tools to Address Antisemitism

ADL is launching a new program called Kulanu: Synagogues in Action Against Antisemitism, as part of an effort to support synagogues in the fight against antisemitism and hate with their congregations and in their broader communities. Kulanu, meaning “all of us” in Hebrew, is an eight-month program that will offer selected synagogues exclusive access to expert insight and webinars, an opportunity

The Dobbs Decision – A Message from ADL Regional Director Scott Levin

Today, the Supreme Court announced its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization overturning the longstanding precedent set by Roe v. Wade affirming the constitutional right to abortion. I am proud that ADL joined 72 other organizations in an amicus brief urging that Mississippi’s anti-abortion law be found unconstitutional. At the same time, I am devastated that we lost and the Court has