Blog Archives

ADL Mountain States Summer Associate Research Program Celebrates its 14th Year

This year marked the 14th annual ADL Mountain States Region’s Summer Associate Research Program. Forty summer associates from nine prominent law firms participated in this year’s program, the largest cohort to date. Under the direction of a supervising attorney, each summer associate researched an assigned topic and provided a legal memorandum to ADL. Participants in the program provide ADL’s regional and

ADL Thanks 2021 Summer Intern Eliana Goldberg

  The ADL Mountain States Region wishes to extend sincere thanks to Eliana Goldberg who joined us as the Summer 2021 ADL Mountain States regional intern. Born and raised in Denver, CO, Eliana spent her internship working remotely from Tacoma, WA where she is a student at the University of Puget Sound with a double major in Politics and Government

Leave a Legacy for ADL’s Next 100 Years

Legacy giving offers donors a way to protect the organizations and communities they love, while making a profound impact on future generations through a gift that will keep giving in perpetuity. Leaving a contribution to the Anti-Defamation League in your will is a wonderful way to help ensure its future for years to come without impacting your annual giving. These funds help sustain

No Place for Hate® Has Tremendous Impact, Reaching Over 80,000 Students and Educators in the Mountain States Region!

The 2020-2021 school year contained unprecedented challenges for all of us, but few felt the impact more so than educators and students, including the wonderful participants in ADL’s No Place for Hate® initiative in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico. The educational leaders were innovative, creative and committed to keeping students, families and educators connected. They adapted activities and lessons for

Union for Reform Judaism and ADL Launch Critical Partnership to Combat Antisemitism and Hate

Amid an alarming rise in antisemitic rhetoric and violence, the Union for Reform Judaism and ADL are joining together in a multifaceted partnership to provide congregations with the tools needed to address antisemitism in their communities. The newly launched partnership will link the expertise of ADL and the resources of the URJ to better equip the Jewish community to respond