Blog Archives

Ballot measures seek to roll back advances in gay rights

  Less than two weeks after the United States Supreme Court’s historic same-sex marriage ruling, two Coloradans filed proposed ballot measures aimed at rolling back advances in legal protections and equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Coloradans. The first initiative would redefine all marriages in Colorado as civil unions in order to undermine the Supreme Court’s decision that

Mountain States ADL in Action

  Recently, the Mountain States office of the Anti-Defamation League spoke out concerning anti-Israel bus ads in Denver and reports of an “anti-Ramadan” barbecue in Colorado Springs. Commenting on a story by KDVR Fox 31 News that accused Colorado’s RTD, or Regional Transportation District, of applying a double-standard when deciding which ads to accept or reject as it pertained specifically

Jonathan Greenblatt Joins ADL as National Director

  A new chapter in the history of the Anti-Defamation League has begun as Jonathan Greenblatt, a social entrepreneur and former White House director of social innovation, joins the organization as our sixth national director. Read his first blog to learn about what he sees as the challenges ahead.

School Voucher Defeat A Win For Religious Freedom

In a letter submitted to the Denver Post, Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Regional Director Scott L. Levin writes:   The Denver Post got it wrong when it criticized the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Douglas County school voucher program as unconstitutional. The voucher program raised serious questions about religious freedom.   The voucher program channeled taxpayer dollars to schools founded

Living History: My Trip to Munich and Dachau

  Perhaps you have heard “don’t bite the bait that leads to hate,” a call made popular by Jack Adler, a Colorado resident who survived the Dachau concentration camp, among other camps. On May 3, 2015, I had the privilege of sitting with Jack Adler on the former roll call grounds at Dachau as Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke at a