Blog Archives

ADL Provides Security Training for Jewish Institutions Post-Pittsburgh

  The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region hosted a security seminar in partnership with JEWISHcolorado on December 5 to help Jewish institutions review safety and security procedures after the attack on Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. More than 50 representatives from 28 different Jewish institutions along Colorado’s Front Range participated in the training at BMH-BJ Synagogue in Denver. The

Colorado Students Represent ADL at National Youth Leadership Conference

Ten high school juniors from Colorado were selected to be The Gerald M. Quiat Delegates to ADL’s 21st Annual Grosfeld Family National Youth Leadership Mission to Washington, D.C. The students embarked on a journey with ADL to apply lessons learned from the Holocaust to their own lives and lead the fight against bigotry and hate in their respective communities. These ten student delegates

ADL Calls on Leaders to Redouble Efforts to Counter Hate After FBI Reports Hate Crimes Jumped 17 Percent Nationwide

Hate crimes reported in Colorado, Wyoming remain at elevated levels; New Mexico experiences a decrease in reported hate crimes The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region expressed concern that, for the third year in a row, the FBI’s annual hate crime report documents an increase in hate crimes nationwide. Hate crimes in the U.S. jumped 17 percent in 2017 with a

Support ADL on Colorado Gives Day!

  Give where you live on Colorado Gives Day and support ADL’s Mountain States Region! ADL’s mission to stand up and speak out against anti-Semitism, racism and all forms of hate is more critical than ever.  On Tuesday, December 4, 2018, join thousands of donors in supporting nonprofits – like ADL – on Colorado Gives Day. Visit our donation page

Words to Action Empowers Students to Stand Up to Anti-Semitism

    During the past several months, well over 500 high school and college students have participated in ADL’s Words to Action program throughout the Mountain States Region, including Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming. The program equips students with constructive and effective responses to stand up to anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in high schools, on college campuses, at summer camps