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Join us for ADL’s 2017 No Place for Hate® Celebration Breakfast!

The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region is excited to welcome Noopur Agarwal, Vice President of Public Affairs for MTV, as the keynote speaker for the No Place for Hate® Celebration Breakfast on Thursday, April 6 from 8-10am at Mile High Stadium. At MTV, Agarwal oversees major “pro-social” campaigns to engage and activate America’s youth on the biggest issues impacting their

ADL Honors Civil Rights Champions

The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region honored two Colorado civil rights champions at a sold-out reception on February 8, 2017 at the Denver Art Museum. More than 275 dignitaries and guests attended the event that recognized Steven Chavez and Vicki Cowart and Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains for their work to protect and promote the civil rights of all

Love Has No Labels

Watch the new “Love Has No Labels” video! At the Anti-Defamation League, we have always believed that “love has no labels.”  Our education programs are designed to help schools change culture and climate to make institutions safe and welcoming for everyone.  Our legislative and community advocacy seeks to make sure that each person – no matter how they worship, where they