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ADL Mountain States Regional Board Welcomes New Leadership

    At its annual meeting this week, the Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region will welcome incoming Board Chair Jim Kurtz-Phelan and thank Neil Oberfeld for two years of outstanding service as Board Chair from 2014-2016. Jim Kurtz-Phelan, an attorney with Berenbaum Weinsheink specializing in commercial real estate, obtained his Juris Doctor degree from Yale Law School in 1972. Before

Excellence, Celebration & Call to Action: ADL Recognizes No Place For Hate® Successes at Annual Breakfast

What do 45 schools, over 120 students, educators, administrators, family members, Anti-Defamation League volunteers, ADL board members and a prominent Civil Rights attorney have in common? All of them were not only in attendance on April 12, 2016 at ADL’s fifth annual No Place for Hate® Celebration Breakfast, but they also expressed their commitment, shared their expertise and celebrated their

ADL’s 35th Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program Host to Righteous Among the Nations Award

  On May 4, 2016, ADL hosted its 35th annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program, one of the largest such events in the United States. Over 1,600 people attended the program at Temple Emanuel in Denver. The program included a moving tribute to the family of Dr. Maria Kiss Madi, a Hungarian rescuer whose family was presented with a Righteous Among the Nations Award at