Blog Archives

ADL Empowers Jewish Institutions and Law Enforcement in Advance of Jewish High Holidays

The Mountain States Region of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has reached out to Jewish institutions and law enforcement agencies to work together to ensure a safe and secure Jewish High Holiday season. On August 21, ADL partnered with Captain J.P. Burt, Director of the Colorado Information Analysis Center (CIAC), the state law enforcement fusion center, to host a High Holiday

Mountain States Spotlight: Andrew Feinstein

What the Anti-Defamation League means to Andy:   The ADL is a nice bridge between for me to stay involved with the Jewish community of Colorado (which my family has been a part of for over 140 years) as well as remain active with LGBT causes which are very important to me. What are you passionate about personally?  The Denver

ADL Expresses Gratitude to Summer Interns

The Anti-Defamation League’s Mountain States Region would like to acknowledge and thank the two interns who have dedicated their time, energy and creativity this summer to assisting with ADL activities and projects. Nicole Kleiman-Moran, a student at the University of Michigan, and Joshua Mitchell, a student at the University of Colorado, each devoted about 20 hours per week to assist

Mountain States Spotlight: Larry Atler

What the Anti-Defamation League means to Larry:  After practicing law for several years, I investigated all the major civil rights organizations. As my father many decades before me concluded, ADL is the most credible and effective organization. ADL fights against all forms of bigotry and discrimination, with particular sensitivity for anti-Semitic policies and actions. For over 45 years, I’ve financially