It has been a dramatic summer and will continue to be a dramatic election year, providing for a myriad of teachable moments for families and educators to engage with their children and students. The Anti-Defamation League is prepared to assist with valuable resources for many of these challenging but important discussions that we will have with our students now and in the months ahead. Check out ADL’s education resources like the ones below.
Education Blog:
- Teachable Moments Abound in Khizr Khan’s Convention Speech
- Speaking Truth, Facing Bias and Promoting Empathy
- Name-Calling on the Campaign Trail and in the Schoolyard
Table Talk:
- Nice, France and Our Response to Terrorist Attacks
- Current Events Classroom, for middle school: Confronting Cyberhate: Old Navy and Malia Obama Backlash.
- Rosalind Wiseman’s Classroom Conversations: “Politically Correct,” for Whom?
- Book of the Month – August: Mama’s Nightingale: A Story of Immigration and Separation, a picture book for children ages 6-10.
ADL can also provide assistance for both students and teachers through A World of Difference® Institute workshops and our No Place for Hate® Initiative.