Spring is a time of renewal and a time when many faiths and cultures gather in community, share family traditions and anticipate a future filled with health, happiness and peace. Yet, whether you are observing Passover, Easter, Ramadan, or any other holiday meaningful to your faith and culture, this spring is different.
During this unprecedented time, we can draw strength from the vital traditions and customs that make us whole. We can protect ourselves and those around us, including the most vulnerable in our families and communities, by gathering and speaking out through virtual means. We can call on our resilience and imagination as we contemplate freedom, so central to the Passover story, from the confines of our homes. And, in doing so, we will collectively defy the fear and hatred that has replaced the joys of this season.
For those of you who are celebrating Passover, here are a few resources to aid you in this uncharted territory:
- Learn how to host a virtual Seder with our Guide: “HOW TO HAVE A VIRTUAL SEDER: “CHAT” SAMEACH!“
- Refer to ADL’s tips on how to prevent Zoombombing here.
- Click here for our “A Nation of of Immigrants” Community Seder Haggadah, a special edition of an original Haggadah that includes passages celebrating the many cultures that make up our “Nation of Immigrants.”
- Click here for a Passover 2020 Reflection by Rabbi David Fox Sandmel, PhD., ADL Director of Interreligious Engagement
May your celebrations be sweetened by your commitment to doing what is good and just in the world.
Best regards,
Your ADL Mountain States Family