The 2020-2021 school year contained unprecedented challenges for all of us, but few felt the impact more so than educators and students, including the wonderful participants in ADL’s No Place for Hate® initiative in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico. The educational leaders were innovative, creative and committed to keeping students, families and educators connected. They adapted activities and lessons for virtual learning while fostering positivity, ensuring lesson plans intertwined with relationship building, and connecting literature and history of the past with current events.
ADL’s year-end survey of educators demonstrated the impact of No Place for Hate at the nearly 90 elementary, middle and high schools, representing over 80,000 students, that participated in the initiative during the 2020-2021 school year. Here are a few key takeaways about the reported effectiveness of No Place for Hate:
- 91% said it was effective or very effective at creating a positive, safe and inclusive climate and culture at school for all students, staff and families/caregivers
- 80% said it was effective or very effective at reducing name-calling among students
- 78% said it was effective or very effective at reducing bullying behaviors
- 76% said it was effective or very effective at providing tools to address bias-motivated behaviors
Educators also explained how No Place for Hate helped to create an inclusive culture during the challenging year:
“A few years ago, we took a couple years off from No Place for Hate at our school and we had a huge increase in behavior referrals around bullying/harassment. Those numbers have decreased significantly and continue to decrease over the three years we have rejoined No Place for Hate.” –middle school educator
“Students feel empowered to create a school wide community of respect and inclusion.” – elementary school educator
“No Place for Hate provides voice to our most marginalized populations. It offered an opportunity for kids to show agency in change.” – high school educator
“One student told me that with the pandemic and restrictions, No Place for Hate was the first place she made friends as a new 6th grade student.” – middle school educator
“A staff member has really improved his work with students following a student-led all faculty conversation.” – middle school educator
The 2021-2022 school year is just around the corner. ADL already has over 50 schools from throughout the region registered to participate in No Place for Hate. We look forward to many more joining this initiative to combat bias and bullying. For more information or to register your school for the upcoming school year, please visit www.adl.org/mountainstates/noplaceforhate