Susan Brody, ADL Mountain States Chair Elect
Susan Brody was named Regional Board Chair Elect at ADL’s annual meeting on June 15. She will succeed Elisa Moran following the completion of Moran’s two-year term in 2022.
Ms. Brody has been a valued member of ADL’s Regional Board with a deep commitment to ADL for 16 years and has chaired nearly every committee of the ADL board. Susan and her husband David are Associate National Commissioners and legacy donors to ADL.
Susan’s commitment to ADL runs deep. So does her commitment to social justice. Among the many boards on which Susan has sat in addition to ADL are World Denver, The Japan America Society of Colorado, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, and Women in Film in America.
Susan is the Founder and President of Family Legacies, Inc., which connects generations past, present and future by preserving life stories and family histories on feature film quality video. Her passion for peoples’ stories began as a small girl growing up in Montreal, where her community was filled with immigrants from all over the world. On top of all this, Susan speaks seven languages!
“Susan brings a great depth of knowledge and passion for ADL’s agenda to her new role as Chair Elect,” said Scott Levin, ADL Mountain States Regional Director. “She is truly committed to ADL’s mission. We are so fortunate to be the beneficiary of her time and energy.”
The meeting also featured a panel keynote discussion, moderated by ADL Regional Director Scott Levin, on the topic: “Where are we as a country one year after the death of George Floyd and social protests that finally awakened some to longstanding social injustices?” The distinguished participants were Shenika Carter, Founder and Executive Director of Caravan for Justice and National Spokesperson for Just Democracy; Beth McCann, Denver District Attorney; and Omar Montgomery, President of the NAACP Aurora Chapter.
Additionally, 13 community members have been elected to ADL’s Regional Board of Directors. The new members are: Stephen Berman, a professor of Pediatrics and Public Health at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and School of Public Health and the director of the Center for Global Health in the Colorado School of Public Health; Ross Chotin, VP of Real Estate and Structured Finance for The Chotin Group Corporation; Blake Cohen, a self-employed real estate broker and investor; David Dworkin, retired lawyer and former JEWISHColorado board member; Steven Epstein, an attorney with Epstein Palierno LLP; Terry Epstein, an attorney with Holsinger Law, LLC; Erica Farber, retired VP of Administration for Rose Medical Center; Ann Geldzahler, co-founder and co-chair of the Yahad Colorado Committee, part of Yahad-In-Unum; Maggie Glaser Wolfson, District Manager for MyEyeDr; Michelle Howard, Senior Product Marketing Manager/Product Marketing for Xactly Corp; Nancy Lieberman, retired healthcare executive and former founder and president of a nonprofit; Wendy Nekritz, retired physician/radiation oncologist at Lutheran Medical Center; Robert Shubin, President of Red Sky Resources Companies LLC.
“We are thrilled to welcome these new members of the Board, each of whom brings considerable skills, experience and talent to ADL,” said Elisa Moran, ADL Mountain States’ current Reginal Board Chair.