2016 Robert B. Sturm Leadership Fellows Graduates
Front, L-R: Tamara Berkman, Sarah Langert, Sturm Fellows Co-Chair and ADL Regional Board Member Lauren Carboni, Charley Silverman
Center, L-R: Elina Moyn, Cynthia Apfelbaum, Jackie Shapiro, Emily Dewey, Rachel Baum, Carolyn Shulman, Jack Regenbogen, Rollie Snyder
Back, L-R: Sturm Fellows Co-Chair and ADL Regional Board Member Adam Ross, Nicole Flores, ADL Regional Director Scott L. Levin, Andrew Baum. Not Pictured: Matthew Bloom, Melissa Bloom, Molly Goldberg, Lisa Pinhas, Alla Rubinstein
Eighteen members of the Anti-Defamation League’s 2015-16 Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Fellows Program graduated on June 21. The evening began with members of the class sharing their enthusiasm at becoming involved in ADL’s critical work fighting anti-Semitism and bigotry and which, for ten of the graduates, included participation in ADL’s National Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. Regional Director Scott L. Levin spoke about the importance of leadership, challenging the graduates to find and emulate role models who embody the values important to them.
ADL’s Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Fellows Program was created to involve people between the ages of 25 and 45 who are committed to ADL’s mission “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” The Sturm Fellows Program, which runs from September-June, exposes participants to educational programming about the substantive issues of ADL’s agenda and gives them the opportunity to become ADL leaders in the community. A highlight of the Program is attendance at the ADL National Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. Applications are due by August 1 for the 2016-2017 program year. Information: 303-830-7177 or sparkergerson@adl.org.