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ADL holds the line

One year after the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, ADL is leading the way forward, turning a dark time into an opportunity for understanding, education and advocacy. We’ve developed innovative strategies to fight anti-Semitism and hate on the airwaves, on the Internet, in schools and throughout our communities. Learn more!

Making Personal Connections to History wins ADL’s 2018 A Tribute to Moral Courage Essay Contest

  Six students connected the past with their present. They found lessons in those that exemplified moral courage and the Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region is proud to recognize all six student winners, their families and teachers, at the 37th Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program on April 24, 2018.  These skilled student writers  rose to the top of almost 250 essays submitted

2017 ADL’s Essay Winners Link the Past with their Present

  ADL was proud to recognize all six student winners, their families and teachers, at the 36th Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program on April 25, 2017.  These skilled student writers connected those that exemplified moral courage from the past with their present realities, learning from the lessons that have been left for all of us. These six students’ essays from Lovell,