ADL Blog

Former Regional Director Bruce DeBoskey to Receive Ally Award for LGBT Advocacy

One Colorado Education Fund, an organization working to secure and protect equality and opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Coloradans and their families, will honor Bruce DeBoskey, former Mountain States Regional Director, with its “Ally Award” on August 20. During his tenure at ADL from 2002 to 2010, DeBoskey worked to end discrimination and bigotry against LGBT community members

Regional Director Scott Levin Joins Abe Foxman in Israel

Regional Director Scott Levin joined with ADL National Director Abe Foxman, key lay leaders and national staff, for a week long trip to Israel.  This was Levin’s first trip to Israel and he found it a very meaningful experience.  Participants in the trip met with Israeli government officials, including Tsipi Livni (Head of the Kadima Party), Danny Ayalon (Deputy Minister

ADL Celebrates its 70th Anniversary in the Mountain States Region

More than 200 community members gathered to commemorate the Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region’s 70th Anniversary Tuesday, June 14th at Mile High Station. The evening was filled with live music provided by the Denver Jazz Band Youth All-Stars and conversation amongst ADL’s closest friends. Denver City Mayor Elect, Michael Hancock, made a special appearance and addressed the crowed pledging his

Mixed Results on ADL-Supported Legislation

ADL applauds the progress of several bills in the Colorado legislature that will provide fairness and equal protection to all Coloradans.  To date, the following bills have passed out of one house of the General Assembly, and are awaiting hearing in the second house: Senate Bill 72, which would expand the remedies available to victims of employment discrimination to include