ADL Blog

Meet ADL’s New Mountain States Regional Board Members!

The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region is pleased to announce that twelve community members were elected to its Board of Directors at ADL’s annual meeting in June 2019. “We are thrilled to welcome these new members of the Board, each of whom brings considerable skills, experience and talent to ADL,” said Scott Levin, ADL Mountain States Regional Director. The new


With the Jewish Holidays fast approaching, ADL has the resources and guides you need to understand the requirements concerning school and workplace accommodations. Please contact your ADL Mountain States Regional Office for assistance or to answer any questions. The issue of the proper role of religion in public schools continues to be the subject of great controversy. School officials, parents and

ADL Regional Board Members Meet with Members of Congress

      ADL Mountain States regional board members and staff were busy over the past couple of weeks meeting with members of Congress during the summer recess. In each meeting, important policy issues were discussed including:  legislation to respond to growing domestic terror threats and hate crimes, including anti-Semitic incidents; immigration policy and border detention; refugee resettlement; voting rights

Mountain States Spotlight with CO State Representative Dafna Michaelson Jenet

  Earlier this summer, ADL Mountain States summer interns Shay Goldberg and Cameron Oberfeld had the opportunity to sit down with Representative Dafna Michaelson Jenet of Colorado House District 30. The conversation spanned Rep. Michaelson Jenet’s time in office, some of her legislative priorities and views, and her close and long-standing relationship with ADL. ADL: Why did you seek public