ADL Blog

Get your tickets to ADL’s No Place for Hate® Celebration Breakfast and Meet Keynote Speaker Carlotta Walls Lanier

  Get your tickets to ADL’s No Place for Hate® Celebration Breakfast, April 12, 2019, and Meet Keynote Speaker Carlotta Walls LaNier, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient and Trail Blazer as a member of The Little Rock Nine! Join ADL to celebrate as 58 schools cross the No Place for Hate finish line at this year’s Celebration Breakfast on

ADL Honors the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  ADL’s Mountain States Region marked the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on January 21 by participating in Denver’s annual MLK Day Marade and celebration. Co-sponsored by The Conflict Center, a gathering at ADL’s offices prior to the Marade was attended by close to 40 ADL Board members, Civil Rights Committee members and community partners who

ADL Mountain States Spotlight with Regional Board Member Susie Moss

Learn more about ADL Regional Board Member Susie Moss, her passion for Colorado’s great outdoors and her work for several outstanding community organizations, including ADL.   How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now? I first became involved in ADL over the years attending events, specifically the Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program.  My father-in-law is a

ADL hosts preview of 2019 Colorado Legislative Session

The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region hosted a preview of the 2019 Colorado legislative session on Dec. 17. Participants learned about the legislative priorities of the Colorado General Assembly, heard in-depth analysis about an upcoming bill that will protect and enhance women’s reproductive rights, and received tips on how to be effective citizen advocates. Guest speakers at the preview session