ADL Blog

Gareth Heyman and Betsy Mordecai Heyman Honored at ArtWorks ADL on April 19, 2016

Over 200 supporters joined ADL’s Mountain States Region at its third ArtWorks event honoring Gareth Heyman and Betsy Mordecai Heyman, owners of MorEvents and tremendous community philanthropists, on April 19, 2016.  ArtWorks: Where Justice and Art Come Together was presented by BNY Mellon Wealth Management. The evening included a cocktail reception, silent art auction, music, photo booth and a live

ADL’s 35th Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program Host to Righteous Among the Nations Award

  On May 4, 2016, ADL hosted its 35th annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program, one of the largest such events in the United States. Over 1,600 people attended the program at Temple Emanuel in Denver. The program included a moving tribute to the family of Dr. Maria Kiss Madi, a Hungarian rescuer whose family was presented with a Righteous Among the Nations Award at

Connecting Moral Courage of the Past to Students of Today: A Tribute To ADL’s 2016 Moral Courage Student Essay Winners

On May 4, 2016 the winners of this year’s Student Essay Contest – A Tribute to Moral Courage: Standing Up Against Injustice – were recognized as part of ADL’s 35th Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program in Denver. This year’s contest was generously underwritten by an anonymous donor. The student essay contest uses the Holocaust as a backdrop for middle and high school students to write about an individual