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With the Jewish Holidays fast approaching, ADL has the resources and guides you need to understand the requirements concerning school and workplace accommodations. Please contact your ADL Mountain States Regional Office for assistance or to answer any questions. The issue of the proper role of religion in public schools continues to be the subject of great controversy. School officials, parents and

ADL urges support of Amendment A

Colorado voters will begin receiving their mail ballots this week and will make decisions on 13 statewide ballot measures this election cycle. The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region has taken a position in support of one of those measures – Amendment A. Amendment A is a constitutional amendment that was referred to the ballot by unanimous support of both the

ADL Responds to Hate: Read the Spring Dateline Newsletter now!

Check out the Spring 2017 issue of Dateline, the Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region’s newsletter. The edition focuses on what ADL is doing to respond to hate and bias in the legislature, in schools and across the community. The issue also recognizes our many generous donors, and includes information about upcoming events such as ADL’s Annual Meeting on June 15 with featured

ADL Summer Associate Research Program Memo Competition Winners to be Honored at ADL’s Civil Rights Awards Reception

                        The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region will honor civil rights champions Steven Chavez and Vicki Cowart and Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains at its upcoming 2017 Civil Rights Awards Reception on February 8, 2017 at the Denver Art Museum. In addition, for the first time, ADL will also