Blog Archives

ADL Honors Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) and Emma Shinn, Esq. at Civil Rights Awards Reception on February 12

On February 12, the Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region honored Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) and Emma Shinn, Esq., Co-Founder and Past Executive Director of the Colorado Name Change Project, at its Civil Rights Awards Reception. About 200 community members, elected officials and other supporters joined the gathering held at Chambers Grant Salon at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House.

ADL Leads Civil Rights Mission to the American South

This month, the ADL Mountain States Region was host to 44 participants that journeyed to the American South on a Civil Rights Mission to historical sites in Georgia and Alabama. Beginning in Atlanta and continuing on to Montgomery, Selma and Birmingham, the group visited several locations to learn more about slavery, the civil rights movement and current activism aimed at

ADL supports bills advancing fair treatment, Holocaust education in Colorado legislature

As the midpoint of the 2020 Colorado legislative session approaches, the Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region has actively supported bills that enhance anti-discrimination laws in Colorado and has opposed bills that sought to curtail Coloradans’ civil rights. ADL joined coalition partners and community advocates in opposing a slate of six anti-LGBTQ bills introduced in the Colorado legislature. One of the

Mountain States Spotlight with ADL Board Member Doug Antonoff

This month, the spotlight shines on ADL Mountain States Regional Board Member Doug Antonoff, with whom we spoke about his love of ice cream, golf, some fascinating reading selections and, of course, his long-time support of ADL. How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now?  I went through the Jewish Federation’s young leadership program and

ADL Dinner Honors Chotin Family with 2019 Torch of Liberty Award

  On November 6, ADL hosted hundreds of community members at its annual dinner to celebrate as ADL’s Torch of Liberty award was presented to Robin and Steven Chotin, along with their children, Mauri Chotin Zemachson, Whitney Chotin Wolz and Ross Chotin. The Chotins, whose name is synonymous with leadership and philanthropy, have led and supported numerous organizations with far-reaching