Blog Archives

Milton Senn Archive Provides Treasures to ADL

Milton Senn was a lawyer, government consultant and ADL’s Los Angeles Regional Director from 1947 to 1974. Throughout his tenure at ADL, Senn worked tirelessly to build a better community and collected various artifacts to document his time as Regional Director. After his passing in 1974, his son, Mark Senn, collected his father’s belongings and brought them to Denver. Over

Order Your 2019 Positive Impact! Calendar Today

Order your 2019 Positive Impact! calendars now! The ADL Mountain States Regional Office is pleased to offer you the NEW 2019 Calendar edition of Positive Impact! This unique calendar provides ideas and resources with sections in English and Spanish. The 2019 Calendar of Observances includes brief explanations of each cultural observance. Order yours today! Click here to access the order form.  Questions? Call

ADL Mountain States Spotlight with Regional Board Member Jeff Diamond

  ADL Regional Board Member, National Executive Committee Member, attorney and philanthropist Jeff Diamond discusses his career, community activism and why he believes ADL is “life insurance” for the Jewish people and others.   How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now? Over 27 years ago, I was asked to serve on the newly organized

ADL’s Three Board Members from New Mexico

The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region held its 2018 annual meeting on Wednesday, June 13, 2018. ADL’s Board approved a slate of new board members and inducted Melinda Quiat as its Chair.  ADL’s Mountain States Region is pleased to welcome three long-time New Mexico leaders to its board: Jeffrey Baker, Jeffrey Diamond and Janice D. Paster.   Jeff Baker has