Blog Archives

ADL Honors Civil Rights Champions 

ADL’s 2019 Civil Rights Awards Reception on February 20 honored community leaders and tireless civil rights advocates Hans Meyer, Qusair Mohamedbhai and Judy and Dennis Shepard. The reception was attended by over 250 guests and took place at the Chambers Grant Salon at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House in Denver. The winners of ADL’s Summer Associate Research Program – David

Join ADL for the 38th Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program and Meet Survivor Gene Klein

ADL’s 38th annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program will take place this year on May 2 at Temple Emanuel in Denver at 6 pm.  The program will feature Holocaust Survivor Gene Klein in conversation with his daughter, author Dr. Jill Klein.  Gene’s experience is captured in Jill’s book We Got The Water that tells the story of Gene and his family

Get your tickets to ADL’s No Place for Hate® Celebration Breakfast and Meet Keynote Speaker Carlotta Walls Lanier

  Get your tickets to ADL’s No Place for Hate® Celebration Breakfast, April 12, 2019, and Meet Keynote Speaker Carlotta Walls LaNier, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient and Trail Blazer as a member of The Little Rock Nine! Join ADL to celebrate as 58 schools cross the No Place for Hate finish line at this year’s Celebration Breakfast on