ADL Blog

Applications Being Accepted for ADL’s Words to Action Teen Internship! Deadline Extended to September 27!

ADL is now accepting applications for a new Words to Action (WTA) Teen Internship, supported by a generous grant from Rose Community Foundation. Words to Action: Empowering Students to Address Anti-Semitism, an interactive education program for middle, high school and college students, is designed to empower and equip teens and college students with constructive and effective responses to combat anti-Semitism and

ADL Mountain States Spotlight with Board Member David Fogel

  ADL Regional Board Member David Fogel shares his passion for history, community service and the critical and timely work of ADL. How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now? I became involved with ADL in 1997.  I was serving on Denver B’nai B’rith Board and one of our members had left the ADL Board

16 Emerging Leaders Graduate from ADL Sturm Fellows Leadership Program; Apply for the 2019-2020 Program Today!

  Sixteen members of ADL’s 2018-19 Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Fellows Program graduated on June 19. The evening began with members of the class sharing their enthusiasm at becoming involved in ADL’s critical work fighting anti-Semitism and bigotry and which, for several of the graduates, included participation in ADL’s National Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. Regional Director Scott

Join ADL in Taking Action to Support Asylum Seekers and Refugees

SUPPORT ASYLUM SEEKERS AND REFUGEES: Join ADL in Taking Action ADL is an organization that works to secure justice and fair treatment for everyone. ADL has always stood with asylum seekers and refugees. Immigration policy should not be based on spreading fear and intimidation throughout communities. Government officials, law enforcement, faith leaders and community members should come together to uphold

Sturm Fellows Make an Impact at ADL National Leadership Summit

Members of ADL’s Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Fellows Program joined with 600 ADL leaders and activists from across the country from June 2-4 in Washington DC for ADL’s annual National Leadership Summit. Government officials, policy experts, journalists, opinion makers and other public figures addressed the participants on some of the most critical issues of the League’s agenda. Featured