ADL Blog

Mountain States Spotlight with ADL Regional Board Member Matthew LeBauer

ADL Regional Board Member and psychotherapist Matthew LeBauer shares his passions for Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), being underwater (literally!) and being involved in the critical mission of ADL. How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now? My friend, Noah Geisel, invited me to the (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) Marade the winter I moved

Mountain States Spotlight with Regional Board Member Alan H. Frosh

ADL Regional Board Member Alan Frosh shares his passions for philanthropy, sports and the timeless mission of the Anti-Defamation League. How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now? In 2013, Janet Bronitsky (former Executive Director of Temple Emanuel) recommended me for the Robert B. Sturm Leadership Fellows Program for young leaders and I was privileged

ADL urges support of Amendment A

Colorado voters will begin receiving their mail ballots this week and will make decisions on 13 statewide ballot measures this election cycle. The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region has taken a position in support of one of those measures – Amendment A. Amendment A is a constitutional amendment that was referred to the ballot by unanimous support of both the

Milton Senn Archive Provides Treasures to ADL

Milton Senn was a lawyer, government consultant and ADL’s Los Angeles Regional Director from 1947 to 1974. Throughout his tenure at ADL, Senn worked tirelessly to build a better community and collected various artifacts to document his time as Regional Director. After his passing in 1974, his son, Mark Senn, collected his father’s belongings and brought them to Denver. Over