ADL Blog

Cyber Security Considerations In Wake of Anti-Semitic Flyers Sent to College Campuses and Businesses

Colleges and private businesses around the country, including at least one in Colorado, received anti-Semitic flyers blaming Jews for destroying the country “through mass immigration and degeneracy” and asked people to “join . . . in the struggle for global white supremacy.” Hacker Andrew Auernheimer (also known as Weev), an unabashed racist and anti-Semite, claimed credit for exploiting network printers

ADL Presents Program on Microaggressions at University of Wyoming

ADL Regional Director Scott L. Levin and Associate Regional Director Sue Parker Gerson visited with students, faculty and staff at the University of Wyoming in Laramie to present a program on microaggressions. Using materials developed by the Anti-Defamation League for its Campus Ally program as well as MTV public service announcement spotlights from its Look Different Campaign on the damage

Mountain States Spotlight with David Hauptman

ADL Regional Board Member David Hauptman shares how his desire to become involved in Denver’s Jewish community and his passion to share the lesson of “Never Again” has led to a decades-long relationship with the Anti-Defamation League. How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now? In 1981 I was relatively new to Denver and as

ADL Honors Educational Activitsts Carlotta Walls LaNier and Noel and Leslie Ginsburg at February 24 Civil Rights Awards

    ADL’s 2016 Civil Rights Awards Reception on February 24 honored community leaders Leslie and Noel Ginsburg and Carlotta Walls LaNier, a member of the Little Rock Nine, for their work to advance educational access and opportunity for all students. The reception was attended by over 150 guests and took place at Ponti Hall at the Denver Art Museum.

ADL Monitors Legislation Introduced in the Colorado General Assembly

  The Colorado General Assembly convened its new legislative session on January 13, 2016. While many observers of the Colorado General Assembly are watching how lawmakers navigate tricky budget waters this session, the Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region is closely monitoring bills that would impact the civil rights and freedoms of all Coloradans. In particular, ADL is monitoring legislation that