Blog Archives

Statewide Survey Finds Most Hate Crimes Are Unreported in Colorado

The number of Coloradans who experienced a hate crime or bias-motivated incident in the last five years is significantly higher than official government data indicates, according to a statewide survey commissioned by ADL Mountain States and Hate Free Colorado. Nearly 3 in 10 survey participants ages 18+, or an estimated 1.25 million Coloradans, said they were targeted with verbal harassment,

Holocaust Awareness Life by Stefan and Serge Goldberg

    The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region is pleased to share with our community the following article by Stefan and Serge Goldberg, second generation Holocaust survivors and supporters of ADL’s Hidden Child Foundation. Keep reading for the Goldberg family’s remarkable story of survival and legacy for the future, the result of years of serious and significant research.   “Holocaust

ADL Honors Former Regional Director and Civil Rights Leader Sheldon Steinhauser with Lifetime Achievement Award

On November 12 the community gathered online to celebrate the work of ADL and honor Sheldon (Shelly) Steinhauser with its Lifetime Achievement Award. Attendees were rewarded with a myriad of uplifting moments, including special comments from ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt and Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock. Board member Cheri Rubin put her creativity and vision to work, recruiting a trio

Read the Spring 2020 Dateline Newsletter!

ADL’s 2020 Spring Dateline is at the printer’s and will be coming to your mailbox soon, but you can get a sneak peek right now! Click here to read our region’s semi-annual newsletter and learn about the important work and programs that continue even as ADL is operating remotely during the COVID-19 outbreak.  Stay safe and healthy! If you have