Blog Archives

22nd Annual Supreme Court Review Held on July 8th

  On July 8th, ADL and the National Constitution Center virtually hosted the 22nd Annual Supreme Court Review. Watch the program here. This year’s distinguished panel featured Erwin Chemerinsky, legal scholar of constitutional law and federal civil procedure and Dean of the University of California Berkeley School of Law; Frederick Lawrence, 10th Secretary and CEO of the Phi Beta Kappa

A National Strategy to Counter Domestic Terrorism

On January 6th, Americans watched as an insurrection fueled by violent conspiracy theories and white supremacy gripped the nation and attacked our democracy. Unfortunately, this type of domestic terrorism threat was not a surprise; it is a threat the Anti-Defamation League has been warning about for many years – one ADL warned law enforcement about immediately before the tragic events

Spend Your Summer Learning with ADL!

Education Resources ADL’s extensive collection of K-12 education resources promotes critical thinking and learning around historical and current event topics through the lens of diversity, bias and social justice. With summer in full swing, we are featuring timely resources to keep current on anti-bias education, summer reading materials and information about our online summit on challenging anti-immigrant bias, including webinars for

ADL leaders meet with members of Congress 

        Volunteer leaders from the ADL Mountain States Region met with federal lawmakers and staff to discuss ADL’s priorities.  In each meeting, important policy issues were discussed:  combating domestic terrorism and hate crimes; protecting voting rights, including ensuring access to the ballot; enhancing the safety and security of houses of worship; passing immigration reform; and more. ADL